Re: [NTLK] AVIS BACKDROP -> Creating backdrops?

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 09:38:16 PDT

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Matthew Reidsma wrote:

> I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but all
> of the backdrops I've made look like garbage. I being
> the color depth down to Greyscale, 8 bit ge=reys
> (using free Graphics Convertor for PeeCee) and resize
> whiel converting to BMP, but when I import them into
> Newton Press, they lose the definition, and faces turn
> dark grey and everything else is black. I'm not using
> it in black and white, but I've never made a
> successful backdrop. Any tips?

Matthew, you have to change the book's size (or is it format?) setting in
Newton press to be either 2x00 portrait/landscape or eMate. These are the
only options that will generate books with 16 greyscale images. All
others will be dithered to monochrome. I have a feeling this is what
you're missing.

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