From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 16:30:15 PDT
Hi all,
just in case you don't want me to run head-first into a
wall at full speed, please give me a tip...
Thanks to this wonderful list I have recently learned
that it isn't necessary to enter and edit all the text of a
Newton book in NewtonPress itself. Instead, one can
simply drag a .rtf or .doc document into NewtonPress,
and it will automatically be converted.
I have learned the hard way (i. e. with BookMaker) that
the only chance to achieve the same page layout on your
Newton as the one you see in
your PC editor is by using one of the fonts Newtie can
handle by default. These seem to be Espy Sans, Geneva and
New York if you want to support all Newton models.
Small wonder that these fonts come with
NewtonPress. I was always able to use them in WordPad
just fine.
However, believe it or not, WordPad won't let you
enter a manual page break. This was never a problem
with BookMaker since BookMaker allows adding formatting
tags to the text. Which NewtonPress doesn't.
As for WordPad, Microsoft recommends to add
as many <CR>'s as required to get to a new page.
Excellent tip, especially if taking into account that
the pages aren't visualized (unless, of
course, you are willing to check the page in page
preview after each <CR>). Baaaah...
Now my very expensive Word, part of my even more
expensive officially purchased and registered
MicroSoft Office XP, enters the stage. Fortunately
it lets me add manual page breaks. Hooraayy, kudos
to MicroSoft...
But... but...
Word is not going to be convinced to recognize the
NewtonPress fonts. Ok, they are bitmap fonts instead
of truetype fonts, but if that doesn't matter to a
dumb editor like WordPad, why the f*ck doesn't Word handle
these fonts as WordPad does?
Now I'm stuck, and this is where you enter the stage.
Either I am simply too dumb to make Word XP recognize
bitmap fonts, or you give me a tip where I can download
Geneva, New York and Espy Sans as a PC truetype font.
Of course I'd prefer freeware, but I would also buy them
if I have a chance to check that they will work first.
But I will NOT NOT NOT part with any amount of money before
I am sure of that...
I do have an official version of Windows XP that I haven't
installed yet, might there be a chance that these fonts
are included in truetype form in XP?
Thanks, all
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