Re: [NTLK] Improving Cursive recognizer?

From: Rhonda Hyslop (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 11:11:06 PST

* David-Michael Cook <> [11 Mar 2003 18:27]:
> So I'm trying the Cursive recognizer, and for some reason I'm really
> not having good luck with it--no matter what settings I use, it isn't
> really anything like what I'm writing half the time. What are some tips
> for improving its recognition? I want to see its "learning" in action,
> and at the moment it's slightly better than it started out as (about
> six hours of writing so far over a few days, but it still has around a
> 70% accuracy or less, whereas the print recognizer gets a good
> 85-90%...)

There's two things you can do. The first one, and most important, is to
*immediately* correct any errors the Newton comes up with when it
translates your writing. If you don't correct the word right away (ie,
within 2-3 words of writing it) the Newton will assume it had it correct
and will learn the wrong thing.

The second is optional, and just speeds the Newton's learning process.
When in the notepad, tap the "A" and choose "Preferences", then
"Options", then "Letter Shapes". You'll get the entire alphabet with
different ways of writing each letter; choose each letter shape and mark
whether you use that shape "often" or "rarely". When you tap on the
letter shape, it should draw it for you so you know what direction the
pen moves in, too.


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