From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Thu Jan 29 2004 - 12:36:35 PST
On Jan 29, 2004, at 12:22 PM, Newtopia wrote:
> I'm pretty confused... I want to use the Newton w/WiFi, not the PB.
> I think you're saying that to have the PB's connect to my network via
> WiFi
> would be difficult? That's not what I want to do with the PB. My
> intention
> is for the PB to have a hard connection to the network and share it's
> hdd.
> Then connect the Newton via WiFi to the network to access the shared
> hdd...
> Is this more clear?
Sorry! So you want to have the PB connected via ethernet to your LAN
and have it running NCU, so you can dock with it from Newt?
Keep in mind then that MOST 5300's and 1400's don't have ethernet built
in(some do), so you might need to add a PCMCIA based ethernet card(not
as many of these available as on PC). Again on general principal I
would recommend at least looking at the roundy ibooks, since I think
the price difference shouldn't be that great?
Hope this is more helpful...
PS Why do you need it to be a laptop at all? The performa 475 is an
excellent super compact mac that can have ethernet added...
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