Re: [NTLK] NIE 2 and Extension Incompatibilities? [Long]

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 06:56:28 PDT

Josef Chessor wrote:
> Hi All!
> The basic question is this: What extensions and programs are
> known to be incompatible with NIE2?
> I brainwipe the 2100, and start installing just my basic
> extensions, Avi's Backdrop, PrefsCleaner, and CardEject. I get done
> with that and stop for a bit, just to take a look around in the thing,
> maybe set a preference or two, before I load in my applications and
> reload my personal data. Close Dock. Tap on Extras:
> *bing* Error -10606

This is a big nasty error to get in Extras. It might mean that you have some
bad internal flash. Typically, when Extras triggers this error it means that
it failed to successfully read the Packages soup (yes, packages are stored in
a soup, it's just hidden from view) to get the list of packages. 99% of the
time this means that your Packages soup is corrupted.

> I've also come down with a sinus infection by this time, and
> wasn't thinking too clearly (I'm still not, else I'd probably not have
> wasted an hour typing this ;). So I thought I'd ask the list if they
> knew of any incompatible packages before I took up the spare, slightly
> messed up, 2100 and started the package-by-package search for the
> offending member. This e-mail was long, but that search could be even
> longer (especially knowing me, Mac System 6 through 9, and trying to
> ferret out conflicting extensions. Ugh!).
> For the record, if I haven't put anyone to sleep yet, here are
> the base things I installed before experiencing the error and undeath
> (This is pasted from something that I'll probably add to the NewtWiki
> someday):
> ----
> System Update 710031 - Update to 710260 which fixes the Dates find bug.
> DoorChime2 - Voyager doorbell, system sound. (Free)
> ExtraExtras - More things to do with items in the Extras drawer. (Freeware)

I'd omit this one, since it messes with Extras and that's where you are having
an issue.

> Fahrenheit - TallHill's excellent MacinTalk temperature button. (Freeware)
> GraphPaper - Excellent stationery for schematic drawings (Freeware)
> HeapSaver - Saves me heap memory (Commercial)

I'd question the need for HeapSaver as well. It removes packages'
RemoveScripts from the NS heap that should be there. 20K of heap is not a lot
when you'll likely have over 300K free even after having all of your packages

> SAI Prefs Cleaner - Erases unused prefs entries. (Freeware)

Again, if you're installing from scratch, what prefs need to be cleaned?

> And all I'm installing thus far of NIE2 is Internet Setup, Modem
> and Serial Support, ISP Templates, NIE Patch v4, and the Internet
> Enabler extension.

Order of installation (IMHO) should be:

-Internet Enabler
-Internet Setup
-ISP Templates
-Newton Devices
-Modem/Serial and/or Ethernet support

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