[NTLK] Windows XP with Newton

From: mkow1234_at_aol.com
Date: Thu May 19 2005 - 04:36:56 PDT

It's nice to read the occasional honorable mention for the benefit of non-Apple computer users.
I'm still trying to figure out what the H3ll iCalc is suppose to be..
I use Newton Press on several PCs. I noticed that the Newton Press window appears slightly different on my ThinkPad laptop (using Windows XP) than it appears on my home desktop PC (using Windows 98). I have observed this while using Newton Press set up for the Newton 2X00 portrait view.
Anyway, what seems to happen on Windows XP machines is that the entire window of Newton Press text is not visible all at once. For each page of viewed text in the Newton Press window, one must use the scroll bar to scroll up or down slightly to see each line of text. Say you're reviewing an imported file in the Newton Press window in preparation for creating a new eBook. For any page that you view, you won't see the last line or two of text at the bottom of the page, unless you scroll down. Imagine editing a LARGE eBook and trying to go through page by page to eliminate orphaned text and insert hyperlink references to the TOC for each chapter or subheading. I'm getting used to it now, but it can be a PITA.
Unfortunately, my high-bandwidth access is on my laptop, so it's hard to get larger source docs into the better performing Windows 98 / Newton Press environment. That doesn't stop me from publishing/reformatting eBooks, and it should not stop anybody else...
Matt K.

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