May 2005 archive
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Starting: Sun May 01 2005 - 07:50:44 PDT
Ending: Tue May 31 2005 - 21:39:01 PDT
- [NTLK]
- [NTLK] "New" Jules Verne novel!
- [NTLK] 'Jig' problem...again...
- [NTLK] (No Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 13:25:56 -0700
- [NTLK] (No Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 09:15:16 +0200
- [NTLK] (no subject)
- [NTLK] (OT) FS Apple IIe
- [NTLK] 2100 for sale in the UK
- [NTLK] 2x00 battery
- [NTLK] [ANN] New E-Book Challenge: Free & Open Source History,
- [NTLK] [ANN] New E-Book Challenge: Free & Open Source History, Dr Who Novels
- [NTLK] [ANN] New ebooks in the Temporary Newton Library: Verne, Burroughs
- [NTLK] [ANN] NewtPodcast for 05-24-05 Now Available
- [NTLK] [ANN] U.S. Army Field Manual (Maps & Navigation) Newton Book (BETA PREVIEW)
- [NTLK] [ANN] U.S. Army Field Manual (Maps & Navigation) Release Version!
- [NTLK] [FS] Win2Go
- [NTLK] [NTLK][OT] Losing the date and Mic (now Powerbooks)
- [NTLK] [OT] All things Digital
- [NTLK] [OT] Apple OS vulnerability?
- [NTLK] [OT] Electronic Doohicky Deal of the Week!
- [NTLK] [OT] Mac OS X Panther Question
- [NTLK] [OT] Netgear router problems with BBC 'Listen Again' feature ...
- [NTLK] [OT] Old Macs up for grabs
- [NTLK] [OT] OS X: Backup to Firewire-HD?
- [NTLK] [OT] Paging Jerome Vernet!
- [NTLK] [OT] Tiger Widgets (was: Einstein Widget for Tiger? (split of thread)
- [NTLK] [Q] How to format Linear Flash Card with frizzed index?
- [NTLK] [Update] FS: ATA Flash, Keyspan Twin Serial
- [NTLK] [WTT] Want to trade an eMate for a FreeKey?
- [NTLK] a french card for my GPS Newton
- [NTLK] A spare MP2100?
- [NTLK] Apple OS vulnerability?
- [NTLK] Apple Tablet Mac patent granted!!!
- [NTLK] Assistant script writing?
- [NTLK] avi's bd birthdays
- [NTLK] Back to the Newton
- [NTLK] bejeweled for newton
- [NTLK] bejeweled-style game
- [NTLK] Bernie's book reader
- [NTLK] Bernie's bookreader
- [NTLK] Blast from the past
- [NTLK] Bluetooth and GPRS and Motorola phones
- [NTLK] Bluetooth and internet question
- [NTLK] Can't connect my Newton (was blank)
- [NTLK] Can't send to Sonny
- [NTLK] Charging NiMH batteries
- [NTLK] chess programs
- [NTLK] Connecting an MP110 to Windows XP
- [NTLK] current freeware becoming open source?
- [NTLK] Dates
- [NTLK] Does my backlight have to be noisy?
- [NTLK] Does NewtSync work with OS X Tiger?
- [NTLK] Does NewtSync work with OS X Tiger? (long, sorry...)
- [NTLK] Easy date setting after hard reset
- [NTLK] Einstein Widget for Tiger?
- [NTLK] eMate microphone
- [NTLK] Emate power supply = other Newton power supplies?
- [NTLK] error with find was :(no subject)
- [NTLK] Errorno: -48807
- [NTLK] Escale, Newton's dock on AppleTalk over Ethernet
- [NTLK] exporting from Newton to a Mac
- [NTLK] flash card
- [NTLK] flash cards compatibility
- [NTLK] FormLogic
- [NTLK] FS Color Classic
- [NTLK] FS eMates
- [NTLK] fs. messagepad 110
- [NTLK] FS: ATA Flash, 256mb... (lower price)
- [NTLK] FS: ATA Flash, Keyspan Twin Serial
- [NTLK] FS: Entrega USB to Serial Mac Converter
- [NTLK] FS: messagepad 110
- [NTLK] FS: Newton 130+Keyboard in good condition + 3rd party A/C adapter
- [NTLK] FS: Newton 2000 (upgraded to 2100 specs)
- [NTLK] FS: Newton MP2000 (upgraded) kit
- [NTLK] FT: Newton 2000 (upgraded), etc.
- [NTLK] Fwd: newton games (Newt 2100)
- [NTLK] Fwd: Subject: ANN:Stanford Newton User Group
- [NTLK] FYI Sucess Copying MEMORY Cards on PC
- [NTLK] Google/Search engine compatibility
- [NTLK] handwriting recognition?
- [NTLK] Hard Drive w/ Newton?
- [NTLK] hardware poll
- [NTLK] Help for using Pico card
- [NTLK] Help from Seattle Newton users
- [NTLK] Holux GR-213 GPS mouse + Newton
- [NTLK] How can I open a Newton OMP
- [NTLK] How to share Newt/Mac texts under Mac OSX?
- [NTLK] HWR on wordnewt
- [NTLK] HWR on Wordnewt....
- [NTLK] HWR on wordnewt: reloaded
- [NTLK] I've got my Newton 2k and eMate stolen ;_(
- [NTLK] Import/export Newt text under OSX
- [NTLK] Importing and Exporting to databases
- [NTLK] InPath Driver and Documentation
- [NTLK] InPath MobileWand source found!
- [NTLK] Installing packages from the web
- [NTLK] Internet Connection Tester App?
- [NTLK] internewt
- [NTLK] IRDA installation problems
- [NTLK] Is Newbie's 2100 dying?
- [NTLK] Is Newton Press "Classic Format" OK for 2x00 and eMates?
- [NTLK] Jaggies - Unfixable
- [NTLK] Jaggies - Unfixable - liquid br...
- [NTLK] Jaggies / Photo gallery
- [NTLK] Jaggies follow up - plus a hypothetical...
- [NTLK] Job questions usefullness of PDA
- [NTLK] LANUG Meeting
- [NTLK] linear flash cards at a good price
- [NTLK] Linear Regression on Newton
- [NTLK] LocusNotes synching
- [NTLK] Looking for Newton 2x00 / eMate PCMCIA controller datasheet
- [NTLK] Losing the date and Mic
- [NTLK] Losing the date and Mic (now Powerbooks)
- [NTLK] Mac question
- [NTLK] Macworld article: Fans of Applešs PDA keep the flame alive
- [NTLK] Mail V prob
- [NTLK] MailV problem?
- [NTLK] Making a AA battery case?
- [NTLK] Making a Serial Port Mod for the Newton...
- [NTLK] Mark Jozaitis please give me a call
- [NTLK] MessagePad 110 and NewTen
- [NTLK] MoreWiFi & WaveLAN Silver Turbo
- [NTLK] MP 2k/2k1 diagnostics mode?
- [NTLK] MP2000 Upgrade
- [NTLK] MP2100 Boot Strap Help
- [NTLK] My Newton collection is for sale - happy to ship worldwide
- [NTLK] Need help getting pkgs back onto mem card
- [NTLK] New Ebook
- [NTLK] New FreeKey review page
- [NTLK] New Newton eBook - 2020 Global Study Project!
- [NTLK] New newton page
- [NTLK] New reviews available
- [NTLK] Newbie GPS help?
- [NTLK] Newby Setting Up in Melbourne Australia
- [NTLK] Newt on HGH
- [NTLK] Newt on-line#3
- [NTLK] NewtAC available
- [NTLK] NewTen + CubePort serial adaptor
- [NTLK] newtinsider website
- [NTLK] NewtLight available
- [NTLK] NewtNAV update
- [NTLK] Newton -> PC serial connection
- [NTLK] Newton 110 battery pack
- [NTLK] newton 2100 manual
- [NTLK] Newton 2100 telnets into 10.2.8 over Wi-Fi
- [NTLK] Newton and Memory
- [NTLK] Newton Book resolutions...
- [NTLK] Newton eMate 300 Battery Tray?
- [NTLK] Newton featured on Macworld's Geek Factor Podcast
- [NTLK] newton games (Newt 2100)
- [NTLK] Newton GPS prob: "GPS: 0" -----
- [NTLK] newton mail problem
- [NTLK] Newton manual #2
- [NTLK] newton on-line
- [NTLK] Newton on-line#2
- [NTLK] Newton reborn
- [NTLK] Newton Sighting: "Fetten Jahre sind vorbei, Die" aka "The Edukators"
- [NTLK] Newton W-Fi
- [NTLK] Newton WiFi Signal Upgradeable?
- [NTLK] Newtons on the big screen
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #248
- [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #271
- [NTLK] Newtonworks problem
- [NTLK] Newtsync and Tiger
- [NTLK] NewtSync not working in Tiger
- [NTLK] Nokia Launches Linux Based 770 Net Appliance
- [NTLK] Notion Fornt
- [NTLK] Odd Newton Keyboard?
- [NTLK] Oh NO!
- [NTLK] Okay
- [NTLK] OS 10.4 Tiger - no Appletalk
- [NTLK] OT - Airport Card Question
- [NTLK] OT Value of Apple Portable Bag
- [NTLK] OT: Apple AC Adapter Class Action
- [NTLK] OT: PDA recommendations again
- [NTLK] Packages for newton
- [NTLK] Palm Life Drive Mobile Manager
- [NTLK] PDAs Questions usefulness of S. Jobs
- [NTLK] PDF Reader for the Newton
- [NTLK] People in Seattle area with wireless card I could borrow?
- [NTLK] Planning to get a MP2000
- [NTLK] Printing on Image Writer II
- [NTLK] Printing woes
- [NTLK] Problem loading NBU from Unna
- [NTLK] Project: Newton Connectivity-MiniCD
- [NTLK] Psion
- [NTLK] QF graphing calculator
- [NTLK] Rebuilt battery pack
- [NTLK] Removing plastic sleeve of cells in battery pack rebuild
- [NTLK] Replacement touchscreen & backlight
- [NTLK] S. Jobs Questions usefulness of PDAs
- [NTLK] Scan of my Newton OMP's motherboard
- [NTLK] Scan of my Newton OMP's motherboard (Modifié par SbM)
- [NTLK] Seattle area Newton mechanic
- [NTLK] Seattle area Newton mechanic?
- [NTLK] Serial Number on my stolen NMP 2k
- [NTLK] Setting date
- [NTLK] Siemens Pocket Reader OCR
- [NTLK] So does wireless syncing still work in 10.4?
- [NTLK] Software Issue. Vaporware designation
- [NTLK] solar power for your newt and GPS
- [NTLK] SOLVED! Newton Press crashes on pasting graphics (and other tips)
- [NTLK] Sonny, I found the list of Pkg's for the Card Loaner Program...
- [NTLK] SonyEricsson/Newton
- [NTLK] SonyEricsson/Newton now Bluetooth from Newton
- [NTLK] SSL or SSH for Newton?
- [NTLK] Still can't go wireless
- [NTLK] Stylus problem
- [NTLK] Stylus setup
- [NTLK] Sync & Mail Question - Lotus Notes 6.5
- [NTLK] Syncing PQ Connect in OSX
- [NTLK] The Next Newton?
- [NTLK] Tiger "Empty Trash" sound
- [NTLK] TimeLiner for eMate
- [NTLK] Trade: eMate
- [NTLK] Trouble syncing via Basilisk
- [NTLK] United Nations eBook - "Ten Stories the World Should Hear More About"
- [NTLK] UNNA: Children's book link broken
- [NTLK] Updated Revised "New Newton Page"
- [NTLK] Updated Version of my site...
- [NTLK] Usb powered MessagePad
- [NTLK] Using a 3.3v card in a MessagePad 2000
- [NTLK] Video card
- [NTLK] WAAS accuracy
- [NTLK] Was...GPS Card- LANUG meeting results...
- [NTLK] Where's Paul Curtis?
- [NTLK] Wi-fi connection problem
- [NTLK] wifi woes
- [NTLK] Windows XP with Newton
- [NTLK] wireless communication
- [NTLK] word count in Newtworks?
- [NTLK] WTB: Serial Dongle (Defective)
- [NTLK] Yahoo mail and Newton
- [NTLK] Yet again, another stupid Apple Rumor, or is it?
- [NTLK] Zaurus is Available
- Last call for hats.
- Newton GPS prob: "GPS: 0" -----)
- Printing woes)
Last message date: Tue May 31 2005 - 21:39:01 PDT
Archived on: Tue May 31 2005 - 23:30:01 PDT
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5
: Tue May 31 2005 - 23:30:01 PDT