Re: [NTLK] NSBasic

From: Karosa Alabaster (
Date: Thu Feb 23 2006 - 15:12:35 PST

Adam Goddard wrote:

>An OBD II interface reader/logger for the Newton is one of my
>projects-to-be. I was gonna go with learning NewtonScript and
>implementing it that way with compliance with the major SAE interface
>standards. Let me know your thoughts/concepts and maybe we can help
>each other out.
> - Adam Goddard
Hello! :-)

The ELM IC simplifies communication with the car so much, which is why I
thought about this in the first place. I don't think I could handle kwp
inits plus keeping the connection alive and stuff like that. (and I
don't really know much about that topic either) the ELM handles all
that, and communication with the ELM itself seems easy enough (9600,n,1
serial with some AT commands and plaintext HEX for raw OBD commands) I
suggest you visit the links in my previous post if you're interested.
The datasheet of ELM323 provides an excellent source of information.
Also because of this "standard" serial communcation (and because I'm too
lazy/cannot be bothered to learn NewtonScript) I think NSBasic could be
a usable option.
Email me off-list for more on this topic :-) A bit OT for this list.


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