Re: [NTLK] Help!!! Original Message Pad

From: SbM (
Date: Tue Jan 10 2006 - 18:11:04 PST

Le 10 janv. 2006 =E0 17:10, George = Cronk a =E9crit :
Looking through my collection of stuff in the = storage unit I came across
myMessagePad from 1993. Put some batteries = in it and it started right up.
Since I haven't used this thing since the = mid 90's I need some help
gettinggoing.=A01. It won't read = the getting started card. Doesn't
recognize it or says it's locked. Any = thoughts?
Well, sorry to say that, = but maybe the PCMCIA slot is just dead. My first
MessagePad had a = defective PCMCIA slot and would not see cards.
= --=A0SbMNewton MessagePad OMP, 120 FR, 130, = 2000 &=

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