[NTLK] Newton eBooks for Earth Day/Week

From: M. Kowal <mkow1234_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed Apr 25 2007 - 14:10:04 EDT

Hello Newtonfolk:

This is slightly late, as I have been experiencing great difficulties in sending AOL e-mails to Newtontalk (the messages just don't get through to Newtontalk).

Anyway, I direct your attention to the fine environmental and gardening eBooks on Marty's Newton Library Archive (Nonfiction section). There's GreenPeace Environmental Tips, the Environmental Time Line, Household Hazardous Materials, and a Newtonized version of the Kyoto Protocol. There's also a volume on composting and one on home vegetable gardening. Mmm...compost...
 Can't find them easily? Well, if you're going to conserve energy and make me do most of the work, you can always write and request copies (Send requests through my AOL account -- same user name). Just remember that you will be obligated to come over and help till my vegetable garden. You will also have to provide verification that you have used your bicycle for at least one local errand in the past month. Unimog owners will be blocked. ;O)
 Matt K.
 Detroit, Michigan USA

http://www.stillnewt.org/library/_nonfiction/_Natural Sciences & Technology/_Ecology and Environmentalism

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Received on Wed Apr 25 14:19:16 2007

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