Hello. I was hoping somebody might know some of these answers.
1. I have a 28k modem that access the Net on my Newton just fine, but a
little slow. At home I regulary get 48-52k connections depending on which
computer/modem I am using. I have used the 56k modem on my Newton and it it
connects and seems faster. Is there a place I can look that might have a
better driver for my modem? I have 2 56k modems. One is a Motorola Mobile
Surfer. The other is a really generic 56k modem that gets REALLY good
connections (occasionaly a 53k).
2. BTW, can the newton even access at 56k? First, is there any way to tell
how fast of a connection I have? I have tied the Modem SPeed Test page, but
it requries a Java Script compatible browser.
3. I am currently using NetHopper. I know it is no longer supported. Is
Newts Cape better than the last version of NetHopper? Are their any other
4. Are their any solutions for dealing with sites with Java Script?
5. Are the expired certificates a problem?
Thanks for your time on these questions!
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