>The 130 is far slower than a Visor or any known Palm device. It's the same
>speed as your eMate and has 2 MB of RAM for storage and 1 PCMCIA card slot.
>I'd get one to add to my collection but not for use.
If you give me the choice between a Visor and a Newton (both for the
same price) I take the Newton - Any time, even an MP120!! At least it
HAS a PCMCIA slot, the visor has none. and if I put a memory card
into the Visor, I have nowhere to connect a modem. I can have a 4 MB
card in the MP120 or MP130 AND connect a modem to the serial port.
Handwriting on the Newton is far superior to any of these stupid
little Palm devices where you have to write letter upon letter in
some fancy way on a tiny spot on the screen. And you can't even see
what you're writing - come on - how can you even start to compare the
two ...
>As for footprint, the 130 has no known appendages, so footprints or
>handprints of any sort are not available *grin*
>(Sorry, I couldn't resist that one...)
Excuse me, but the Newton had 4 little feet ... and when the MP130s
flap is turned to the bottom, it stands on it's little hands ... :)
Best regards,
Chris Ruprecht * chrup@earthlink.net
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