Re: NTLK NCU and extra entries (was: Re: Software for a MP130)

From: jon glass (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 07:34:42 EST

On Sun, Jan 23, 2000 6:08 AM, NewtonTalk
<> wrote:
> Somewhere else I read that "notes" added to the phonebook entries aren't
> backed up either, but that possibly could have been for some other backup
> util than NCU (Mobilebackup, or RCU, or something I was reading about).
> Anyay I've never had to trust my existing backups, I sure hope everything
> I think is there, really IS there.
> BTW, no one ever answered (that I saw):
> DOES NCU back up frozen apps? I've always assumed not.

I think you are confusing your terms here. "Backing up" isn't the same
thing as "syncing." When you back up your data, it is saved in a special
file that only NCU uses. _All_ data is backed up. Even data for packages
you don't have installed, or extra data added by enhancement packages (such
as MoreInfo) and _certainly_ your notes data is backed up.

Syncing, on the other hand depends on the capabilities of the program you
are syncing to. That is when the information you mentioned becomes
important. BTW, beofre you sync, you can choose to customize what fields
sync, and where. Just remember the caveats mentioned about phone labels,

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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