Hello all. I'm new to this list and own the MP2100. I've used the MP2100
sparingly and have been pleased with it. I just recently purchased the
Powerbook G3 Wallstreet 300. I'm hoping that I can use both machines to
compliment each other. I have several questions:
1. Can I download photos from my Epson Photo PC digital camera to my
2. What's a good PIM that can be used on both machines. Currently I'm
using Palm Desktop but have been interested with Consultant(can either
work with the Newton?).
3. Suggestions on a good modem for the Newton.
4. I currently use Claris Emailer on my PBG3 and save most of the
messages received. If I use the Newton on the road to retrieve messages
is there a way to transfer them to the PBG3?
Any more suggestion(s) on how I can use my PBG3 and MP2100 with each
other I would appreciate any advice. TIA.
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