Re: NTLK Proselytizing the Newton

From: Thomas E. Hart (
Date: Mon May 01 2000 - 09:41:12 CDT

Just to add my bit to this thread:

I went back to Canada (from the Uk) at Christmas for a month. I didn't
want to lug my laptop with me (it is amazing how what was the 'lightest
laptop I have ever carried' became 'that bloody ball and chain' once I
got my Newton last December) and went for a month and a half without. I
am writing a Ph.D. and editing, I thought, would be difficult. For
everything I wanted to do, including the required familial gift
shopping, it was excellent. When it came to editing my writing I found
it very similar to my old 512. The screen size, that
'not-being-able-to-see-the-whole-thing', was my big worry and it turned
out to be unfounded. The best thing of all was printing. I just pointed
my Newton at the family HP Laser 4000 and hit 'print' and it sorted out
what it was looking for, what type of printer it was and spit out my
work at the normal rate.

All that aside, I actually do have a question. I want a mobile phone to
which I can attach both my Newton and my laptop (though not at the same
time). I have a Megahertz 33.6 in the Newton and a standard G3 modem in
the ....G3. Does anyone have a list of mobile phones that can do this,
and what are the hardware/software (scripts) aspects. Total mobility is
my goal so any help will be much appreciated.

Tom Hart

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Henry Miller

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