Well after following this thread for a while I just have to put in my Aus0.02c (just over US0.01c at the current exchange rate!).
I am a relatively new uMP2K owner having had a variety of other Newton models over the years. When I was making the decision to buy another Newt I did a lot of looking around at the options and despite being tempted by the Psion 5/5mx and some of the Win CE offering I opted for Newton upgrade.
The deciding factors for me were the HWR and form factor of the Newton. The psion has a great keyboard and I like the operating system, but the only HWR on offer is a pretty poor implementation and anyway the keyboard gets in the way. The new Pocket PC version of Win CE looks promising, but the screens are just too small for any serious work IMHO.
For now a uMP2K, a keyboard and PCMCIA modem fulfil most of my needs. Mind you if anybody can come up with something that has a good sized screen, good HWR and a pen slate form factor then I might be tempted.
The one thing I will definitely miss when the time comes to move on is the humour in every Newton. Nobody else has anything like the Newt's crumple and puff of smoke or the Doonsbury Easter egg in my old MP130.
Stephen Beesley
Sent from my Newton uMP2K
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