>I haven't a rechargeable unit in my paws to copy, could you tell me if the
>modification you did was to force in the small blue switch in the battery
Yes, I put a small square of plastic (about 2mm in height) 10mm down from
the top of the battery cage (metal flap up), and it holds the small
switch in. I just used a soldering iron to melt the plastic on. Another
technique that you can use is dipping the small plastic square in
chloroform first, and it melts the two plastics together, and then
evaporates right off, within about 10 minutes (be carefull that it has
dried totally before putting it back in your Newton though, otherwise you
risk melting the insides out!).
I did try screwing a small screw into the battery cage, so that when it
was installed in the newton, the head of the screw just stuck out and
depressed the switch, but the screw wouldn't stay in properly, and I
didn't want to risk it falling inside the newton and shorting something
Ben Doughney
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