so, after my MP120 died, i decided to call apple. i
wound up on teh line for about 45 minutes with a guy
who was basically just breathing heavily and every now
and then he'd click a key on his keyboard. i
explained that my problems started with the pen
misalignment and then finally the 'newt gave up the
ghost. after 45 minutes he finally agreed and told me
he needed the serial # of the 'newt and he'd send me
out packing materials and i could send it in.
wow, thought i, i got out of this with only 45 mintues
of phone time!
so i called back today with my serial #. the person i
talked to said that because i'm not the original owner
of the MP, i need to purchase a Support Contract for
$49.00 to be able to continue. okay, so i did it.
then they transfer me to another person. i give my
case # and explain the situation all over again. they
say that they can't help me because i'm not the
original owner of the MP. ah ha! but i have a
support contract! okay, so they tell me fine then,
they'll transfer me to someone else...
now i'm on hold...
only about 30 minutes into this call... we'll see how
it goes... i'm hoping that $49 buys a little bit of
speediness from Apple. we'll find out...
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