Re: NTLK A Coding Call to Arms: Hotline

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 02:34:09 CDT

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 P&M Consulting wrote:

>Today, I am more and more writing softwares I wouldn't need at all (ATA driver, connection software, foreign dictionaries, etc).
Well Paul, glad to hear you're back on it, and I think the ATA driver will go a long way to make the Newton a viable option for many. I have acquired a large collection of Linear Flash Cards sometimes buying bundled MPs because there was a 32 MB Card in there. I may not need an ATA driver too, but I'll certainly pay for it when it arrives. who knows, you may get the MP to support 64 MB.;-p

Kenny Song
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