"Beam My Card" won't work to send your owner info to a Palm because it is
made to only exchange cards with another Newton that is beaming their owner
card. I also tried to go to my owner info and beam it, but it would only
encode it as TXT or a Newton Flattened Frame. Presumably the owner info is
saved in a different format from your usual name.
So, I created a normal name card for myself, specifically to use when I need
to beam to palm users.
Have you been trying to beam individuals, or companies?
When I beam a company card, my only options are TXT and Newton Flattened
Frame, however, when I beam an individuals's card, VCF becomes an available
In my testing though, certain fields did not go through in VCF format.
Specifically, the following didn't go through.
Birthday & Anniversary
URL (This is a MoreInfo add on)
So, since I was making a card specifically for beaming to Palms, I
customized it and included all that info in the note, which went over fine.
I hope this helps.
> Initially, I did beam a few notes to a Palm flawlessly. That was looking
> encouraging. But today, I've tried to push the enveloppe a bit and tried
> to beam my owner card. I *didn't* pick the "Beam my card" item in the
> routing menu, because when I tried that, I noticed that there were no
> options for the ObEx transport. So, I picked the regular "Beam" option,
> and was presented with the routing slip. So far so good. I picked the
> ObEx transport, and selected "Send -> Now". My MP displayed a little
> dialog saying "Connecting..." and the Palm responded with "Waiting for
> sender" (or something like that). Then, nothing. I had to cancel the
> beam on my MP. BTW, I don't know if I'm missing something, but the
> BackTalk user guide says that when you set up the beam, you're presented
> with a menu offering different format, depending on the application your
> beaming from. For instance, when beaming from Names, the manual mention
> that you should have Newton frame, specific to the Newton, TXT, an ASCII
> text format and VCF, an encoding of a name card, used by the Palm
> Address Book application.
> Well, everytime I've tried to beam, whether my owner card, or a regular
> card, I've never got this last option offered to me, only Newton
> flattened frame, or TXT. My first question would be: does somebody get
> this option when beaming from Names? Oh, and before you ask, I've
> checked and I have the Palm Converters installed in extension. In fact,
> I did install everything making up the BackTalk package, except the
> Capshare interchange and the demo, obviously...
> So, then I asked my friend here to try to beam me one of his address.
> Everything went smoothly and was easily able to add his address card to
> my names. We did it twice and it did work flawlessly.
> We then did another try of me beaming, this time a very sample card from
> the Names application, not my owner card. I've finally was able to beam
> the card, except it was received as a memopad item on the Palm, no VCF,
> or name card.
> So, my second question would be: does someone have been able to
> successfully beam an address from the Names application, and if so, what
> where your results, and what did you do to get there.
> Many thanks in advance!
> -Laurent.
> =====================================================================
> Laurent Daudelin
> Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
> Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
> Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply
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