From: newtontalkrequest@planetnewton.com
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 22:26:13 EST

>From newtontalkrequest@planetnewton.com Fri Feb 04 21:54:02 2000; 000001214743
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Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2000 22:45:36 +1300
Subject: NTLK Re: Newtontalk & EnRoute Garbage
From: Chris Browne <irie@attglobal.net>
To: Dale Steele <dsteele@igc.org>
CC: <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Message-ID: <B4C25890.11E%irie@attglobal.net>
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on 2/5/00 4:42 AM, Dale Steele at dsteele@igc.org wrote:

> Chris:
> I'm sending this from my Powerbook so it won't test my Newton settings. I
> have gone in and clicked the text box as requested in Enroute. I have
> never heard of any problems like this from previous postings but will
> leave things that way. I'll try and send a posting soon via my newton so
> let me know if things work.
> It looks like my daughter may be coming to your fair country later this
> year as an AFG exchange student so I suspect I will be learning lots more
> about NZ too!
> Take care,
> Dale
>> ------------------
>>> Transmitted from a Newton using EnRoute
>>> Content-Type: application/octet-stream
>>> ; name="Re: NTLK 802.11 and Newton Wireles."
>>> ; x-mac-type="96657774"
>>> ; x-mac-creator="726FB574"
>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: x-uuencode
>>> begin 644 RENTLK80.NWT
>>> MI4Y71@T*&@H```0LR/,```(&"0<$=VAE;@<*871T86-H;65N=`<)87!P4WEM
>>> M8F]L!P5T:71L90<$8F]D>0<%<F5P;'D'`F-C!P5I9&5N=`<(9G)O;4YA;64`
>>> M_PP+T:P`&@<)<&>M`'(`80!L`&P`;P!N`"``0P!A`'(`9``@`&D`;@`@`&T`>
>> ------------------
>> Please check your settings. I suspect that you are failing to mark your
>> outgoing EnRoute messages to go as text only. It is s a checkbox on the
>> send slip. The result is this garbage to the list. In addition Outlook
>> Express breaks the digest at this point.

The problem (sending garbage to the list by not checking the text only box
in the EnRoute send slip) gets periodic discussion on the list (along with
sending accidental MIME attachments by a similar setting problem - the other
source of text garbage which you can see from time to time).

If the text only box is not ticked, the message includes some form of
attachment which appears on my Newton as text garbage (similar to the MIM
attachment). I find the EnRoute problem to be more of a pain than MIME
attachments because the EnRoute attachment results in Outlook Express 4.5
(on my Mac, at any rate) terminating the digest at that point and adding a
short garbage text message as an attachment in its place. I download my mail
to my Newton as well as to the Mac so I can read the balance of these
digests when this happens.

The problem has been reported by others in the past but I am not sure
whether list discussion has identified the source of the problem (so I am
copying this to the list). I have identified it from my own error (ie
accidentally sending email without selecting text only) and from observing
the posts which cause the problem. They are all from EnRoute.

By all means send me a test message if you like. My original message was
sent to you from my Newton using EnRoute (with text only checked).

I hope your daughter enjoys her time in New Zealand. I would be happy to
answer any questions.

Chris Browne
Auckland, New Zealand

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