Re: NTLK Emate error 48409?

From: Michael J. Hussmann (
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 06:00:41 CDT

stephen beesley ( wrote:

> Because it can
> be activated from the "i" of any application it should work on an eMate I
> would have thought, although I am not sure of that. Maybe others on the
> list can advise wheterh it will work on an eMate or not.

Yes, it does. i++ is $15, but there's also a bundle of i++, WittyKeys,
and Backyard available at $25. Especially WittyKeys (for defining
additional keyboard shortcuts) is a must-have for any eMate owner.

Michael J. Hussmann

Redaktion macmagazin
MACup Verlag GmbH
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D-22761 Hamburg

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