I've been lurking for quite a long time on this list occasionally
popping up with requests and problems.
Well, I've found myself in a bit of a bind with my upgraded Newton 2000.
I was attempting to connect to my ISP when I kept hitting errors
-8007 followed by -48205.I removed Simple mail 4 and reinstalled
Enroute 1.4.3b1 to see if that might help (I was having problems with
simple mail and planned on going back to enroute anyway). Same
problem occurs with enroute. I've tried to check my modem setting
(TDK 2814C) and I can't find any problems with the setting.
In my frustration I decided to do some straightening up in the
extensions folder and foolishly removed the Newton Devices extension.
Consequently I have now lost access to my Farallon ethernet card so I
can not connect to my iBook and reinstall/rebuild by newton from the
last archive.
Any suggestions as to how I might get my modem connection working again?
Or, any ideas how I can see if my modem has gone south (perhaps with
modem modifier, its possible to see if it has been damaged)
You folks are my only chance as here in the People's Democratic
Republic I am perhaps the only Newton about so support is my own, and
that seemed to have been the source of my problems.
For what it's worth, I purchased this newton new a few years back to
use specifically in the bush. I was doing field research along the
eastern slopes of the Andes and my newton preformed in the most
amazing conditions. Now I'm here in the Lao PDR, and after the rains
I'll be leaving for the northerly provinces armed with my faithful
research companion; my newt. This is my first major hindrance in many
years, so I hope I can get things right.
thanks in advance
-- Glen SwansonRural Development Advisor, State Planning Committee, UNDP, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
tel. (856-21)21 26 05 fax (856-21) 21 26 05
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