NTLK Auto BrainWipe (Long)

From: Kenny Song (kensong@pc.jaring.my)
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 09:22:04 CDT

Today, a weird thing happened. When I switched on my MP 2100, it wouldn't wake. I had to remove all power then press reset. When the Newton booted up, I was shocked to find my Internal store totally erased.

I had the Newt plugged in the night before and the battery was low but I forgot to switch on the mains. I scheduled SimpleMail to auto download mails at 6.00 am. The modem must have totally drained all power.

I thought "no problem", since I always had on hand a backup of Internal on Card and all my data is stored on my 32 MB Card which remained intact. But no matter how I restart, the Newton keep rebooting halfway through activating packages. I removed the 32 MB Card and the Newt rebooted ok, except my heap was down to 30 K! It was then I realised I also lost my System Update.

Again "no problem". I have the update in my Powerbook G3, so I plugged in my Farallon Ethernet Card. Error! I have to have the update to use the Card! So it was back to local talk, dongle, dock, update! Phew!

Once the update was done, my heap was back up at 365K and the Farallon Card is recognized.

Moral of the story? Make sure you have sufficient battery or at least plug in to the mains (make sure it's on) to avoid the hassle I went through.:-(

Oh! And don't forget to have a recent backup!

Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.0
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