From: Marco Mailand (Marco.Mailand@psi.ch)
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 07:14:05 CDT

Dear GPSmap user,
I have an immediate need for a GPSmap compatible map of California. It
would allow me to estimate the distances using my MP2k during our
travel. If such a beast is not available I would be very glad if anyone
could point me to a map of CA in digital form. I could then transform
this one into a GPSmap and add the LON/LAT calibration, using additional
info of http://www.mapblast.com . Or has anyone of the GPSmap users
bought a USmap too which he would like to share with me? I can offer to
share an EU map (1: 4 500 000).


Regards / Viele Gruesse

Marco Mailand

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