Re: Perceptions (was: Re: NTLK Slightly off topic: DeadLaserWriter ?)

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 16:38:47 CDT

Robert Benschop wrote:
> on 11-09-2000 5:54, Ed Kummel at wrote:
> > Yet, whenever I show someone my
> > Newt, they see the Apple logo and they immediatly
> > think that it's "Mac centric". In my personal opinion,
> > if the Newt never had the Apple association, I think
> > we would all be using Newtons instead of Palms today!
> Sad, but absolutely true, anybody ever wondered who brainwashed all of those
> people ?

The big MS propaganda machine!

I used to work for a dealer that was Apple and IBM authorized. The
saying at that time was that "nobody has never been fired for choosing
big blue."

Now, with almost 90% of the market, you know what the saying is...

And all of this happened pretty slowly, everybody was kinda sleeping
with some gas. IBM did the job of establishing the PC architecture
(well, they thought they were doing a good move by opening the
architecture, wrongly thinking that nobody would do as well as them, and
now looks where IBM stands in the PC crowd...), but initially, you just
had this thing they called an OS, named MS-DOS, with big IBM pushing it
as the serious environment. Microsoft slowly improved the first versions
of Windows, and they made a big coup when they introduced Windows 95.
They throwed as much money on marketing than what it took to develop the
whole project, which was, I think, $500 millions (half a billion!).

And all those Macintosh interface wannabees were now bragging (I've
heard this many times, I'm not saying that everybody who bought 95 was
like that, but a lot were): "Hey, I'm a lot smarter than you, I've got
this PC box for less than $500 and with this Windows thing, it's like I
have a Mac!". They never knew that they never been that far from the
truth, but, hey, they never had the courage or the guts to check things
before making those claims.

The rest is history...

Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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