Re: [NTLK] Power was interrupted...

From: T. J. Wise (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 15:05:47 EDT

Before you go about all this surgery... try a few things as a test...
1. set the newt on a table & try using it, without holding or
touching the newt body at all. Just to see if it is a loose
connection that is being agitated during hand-holding use - had that
happen once.
2. swap out batteries with new, fresh batteries. Sometimes these
batteries, I have found, have poor endurance & they drop when a
sudden power draw is about. Remember, that newt likes to be in
power-save mode & it may draw mA's fine till it really starts some
happening that needs power.
3. try again on table using tap method & no-touch with these new batteries.
4. hold the newt & try wiggling the newt body a bit while it is
running and see if it powers off suddenly

let me know what happens, step by step, ok?

T. J.

>Hrm. Just did a new hard reset. Went into Dates, created some stuff,
>and ZAP! turned itself off. Well, I guess I'll be opening it up
>tonight. I've read David Humphrey's site, figuring that that's about
>all I'll need to open it up. While I've got it open, I figured I'd
>clean the glass nicely. Or should I just open it, fix the battery
>contact, and get it back together?
>Caveats, anyone?

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