Re: [NTLK] AW: sorry about this but... if I got a palm, are there ANY decent HWRapps for it

From: Michael C. Wittmann (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 11:25:37 EDT


You can get the features you are looking for by using either PunctPad or
BBEditor, written by Way-Chung Wong, available at


They give you some commonly used punctuation tools.

Also, if you tap the carat while writing, you get a list of options that
might be of use to you (including delete - I use this all the time).

Michael Wittmann

Sushi at wrote:

> Say you are entering a phone number. And you make a mistake on one
> digit. On the Palm, you just make a backwards minus (dash) sign. And
> the character is deleted. Then you continue entering text.
> On the Newt, I have not been able to do this without the keyboard.


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