Re: [NTLK] My first 2000! plus more...

Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 11:41:59 EDT

>Now you might be wondering what this has to do with a 2000??? well... it has
to do with >keeping me up late because I got a bit wired... and an email comes
through with a brand >new 2000 on ebay for 275... in the box, all the goodies,
it's not sealed, but claims >bought for him 3/4 years ago and he never used it.
booted it up and of course it runs >fine. So I bought that too!!!! Of course,
my poor MP130 maybe looking for a new home >very very soon.

Took me three weeks after getting my first two (a 120 OS2 and a 130) Newtons
before I had to bite the bullet and pick up an upgraded 2000 on ebay. Love
these things.


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