Re: [NTLK] AW: sorry about this but... if I got a palm, are there ANY decent HWRapps for it

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 04:16:02 EDT

on 8/23/01 5:25 PM, Michael C. Wittmann at wrote:

> Also, if you tap the carat while writing, you get a list of options that
> might be of use to you (including delete - I use this all the time).

Another shortcut for deleting, is to draw a vertical line four or five
strokes straight up and down over the letter you want deleted, and poof,
it's gone. Next, you can, if you need, tap the carot so it's where you just
deleted, and write a new letter and it will pop into the space. If you need
two or more, it will create spaces, but you do an upside down carot under
the text, and the spaces will disappear.

Truthfully, these editing tools of the HWR in the Newton are its biggest
strength. I don't know if other engines have such powerful editing tools,
but they make working with Newton text such a wonderful tool, and I wish
desktop computers had these capabilities. Who needs a mouse??

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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