Man, cant you just leave me alone.
No the newton does not say ferdi on it because this is a newton that i bought from someone else. The backlight on the newton i use regularly works fine and needs no upgrade as of yet.
Second yes this is an authentic picture of the newton that is taken in a completely dark room using a digital camera. The backlight is NOT blue as you say and it is as white as it looks in the screen. I dont know what backlight you got but its not the same one that ive obtained.
CD sold for over 60 USD in some auctions, for your information yes it has sold for over 60 USD in some auctions. I didnt say the average was 60 USD, i just say that it has sold for that amount in the past. The auctions you list are only for the past few months and no it has not sold for 60 USD in the past few months but i commend your ability to do completed auction searches.
The focus on the picture is the best i could do using a HP C300 digital camera. Its really touchy to any movement.
And no the name is not JIM TANLEY in the corner but thanks for your input Victor.
And Kevin LaCombe how much are you going to sell the vaious Newton 32mb cards that you just picked up for like 20 bucks for in the Newton section of ebay for? How about the 100 interconnect adaptors that you've won in the past few weeks?
Fine something else to occupy your time, i always understood newton community to be helpful and polite.
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