From: jimthej (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 06:12:45 PDT
on 6/14/01 11:21 PM, Drew Loker at wrote:
> I have a DSL at work that I am excited about getting my Ethernet card
> finally working so I can access and update my Newton on a regular basis from
> the office network.
> But is there any hope of getting my Newton to connect to my home DSL that I
> have to use the Enternet 300 software to connect with when I use my
> computer? IN other words, at home, I ahve to intiate a connection.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> Drew
Never could figure that one out. Used Second NIC in my Mac and Surfdoubler
from Vicomsoft as a NAT and DHCP server through a 5 port Ethernet hub to my
Since I had to buy an iBook (there are some portable things it isn't
practical to do on the Newt), I got an Airport. The new software, version
1.3 works beautifully as tunnel, DHCP and NAT server. The Newt connects
through the hub. Most reliable connection yet, even more reliable than
Jim Johnston
Mac Smacker
Newton User
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