Re: [NTLK] MP2000 and Ethernet

From: Greg Sahli (
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 07:55:35 PDT

Tom, you need NIE 2 to use ethernet, and, NIE 2 works with MP2K but NOT
with MP 1xx.


>I haven't used my ethernet card (Farallon) for quite some time, but I
>now have a network connection again and have been trying to get my
>Newton onto it. After trying everything I could remember, and all that
>Victor instructs at chuma, I read that NIE 2.0 does not work with an
>MP2K. Be this as it may, I did use my ethernet card with my Newton, but
>I don't seem to be able to get the ethernet option in the Internet Setup
>Here's what I have on the Newt:
>Farallon Enet
>Internet Enabler 1.0
>Internet Setup
>Newton Devices
>Newton Internet

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