Re: [NTLK] Newton form factor redux

From: Ivan Shaw (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 08:24:01 EST

On Wed, Oct 31 2001 Ken Whitcomb wrote:
>So you thought the Newton was too large to carry around?
>Look at what Seiko's done to the wonderfully tiny Palms, Clies,
>HandEras, and Visors.

IBM has an even bigger variation of this in the "TransNote" though that's actually selling as a portable for the vertical apps market. Used it; lighter in travel weight than the 600x and people appear to mind it less if you capture digital information via the paper route (something about being less threatened with inadequacy).

I have also seen two people with the Seiko product connected to their Palms. It's a bit awkward-looking and they don't use them in the presence of the MP2100 *but* it does expand on the area for data input.

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
Why are you still buying Vitamin D?

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