[NTLK] October 2001 List Stats

From: Victor Rehorst (victor_at_newtontalk.net)
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 11:38:47 EST

Here are the list stats for October. This month's winner of the most
posts award is.... Jon Glass! You win.. uh... a hearty handshake :)

Mailing list statistics for NewtonTalk

Generated on Thu Nov 1 11:28:36 EST 2001 by mailstats.pl 0.13

2618 messages posted, from Sun Sep 30 23:29:42 -0500 2001 to Wed Oct 31 23:54:25 -0500 2001
(+4 weeks, +3 days, 0 hours, +24 minutes, +43 seconds.)
Average message size is 2.930 kilobytes.
On average, there was a message posted every 17.061 minutes.

Top Posters (over 20 messages):
Newton2k1_at_ma... (Marco Mailand) had 22 posts
SlashDevNull_at_ma... (SlashDevNull) had 81 posts
ThisOlNewt_at_ao... () had 34 posts
bmcewen_at_me... (Brian) had 50 posts
dave_at_da... (David Orriss Jr) had 52 posts
firstvln_at_ea... () had 25 posts
fyzycyst_at_ho... ("Eric L. Strobel") had 40 posts
good-dog_at_no... () had 27 posts
grant_at_sp... ("Grant [Lacking Knots] Hutchinson") had 61 posts
greenguy_at_oa... (greenguy) had 21 posts
iwillbefreedotcom_at_ea... ("John M. Powell") had 54 posts
j.kisseloff_at_ve... (jeff kisseloff) had 22 posts
jacobson98_at_ea... ("Samuel Jacobson") had 26 posts
jeroengoulooze_at_ho... ("Jeroen Goulooze") had 28 posts
john_fraser_at_ma... (John Fraser) had 26 posts
jonglass_at_us... (Jon Glass) had 121 posts
ken_at_im... (Ken Whitcomb) had 41 posts
laurent_daudelin_at_fa... ("Laurent Daudelin") had 119 posts
lists_at_co... (Adam Warner) had 35 posts
mark_at_mr... (Mark Rollins) had 28 posts
michael_at_mi... ("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Michael=20J.=20Hu=DFmann?=") had 22 posts
nemesys_at_co... (Laurent Daudelin) had 49 posts
newton_at_ec... (Bill Davis) had 25 posts
oliver.brose_at_t-... () had 25 posts
pguyot_at_ka... (Paul Guyot) had 46 posts
plumcakes_at_ma... (Christopher Plummer) had 20 posts
ratinox_at_pe... (Stainless Steel Rat) had 32 posts
rbenschop_at_ma... (Robert Benschop) had 86 posts
rootbeeraddict_at_ya... (James Elliott) had 43 posts
tech_ed_at_ya... (Ed Kummel) had 73 posts
victor_at_ne... (Victor Rehorst) had 74 posts
vitcitylb_at_ea... (Woo Lee) had 72 posts
weyer_at_ka... (Steve Weyer) had 39 posts
zbir_at_ur... (Zachery Bir) had 53 posts

These 34 people accounted for 60.046 % of total messages.

<IMail v6.05> was used to send 3 posts (0.11 %)
AOL 3.0 was used to send 5 posts (0.19 %)
AOL 4.0 was used to send 11 posts (0.42 %)
AOL 5.0 was used to send 47 posts (1.80 %)
AOL 6.0 was used to send 7 posts (0.27 %)
AOL for Mac OS X was used to send 3 posts (0.11 %)
Apple Mail was used to send 196 posts (7.49 %)
CTM PowerMail 3.0.8 <http was used to send 22 posts (0.84 %)
EMUmail 4.5 was used to send 7 posts (0.27 %)
Earthlink Mailbox was used to send 32 posts (1.22 %)
EnRoute for NewtonOS was used to send 72 posts (2.75 %)
Eudora Pro 1.1 for Newton was used to send 5 posts (0.19 %)
Eudora for Windows was used to send 68 posts (2.60 %)
Evolution/0.15 (Preview Release) was used to send 34 posts (1.30 %)
Evolution/0.16.99+cvs.2001. (Preview Release) was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
Evolution/0.16.99+cvs.2001. (Preview Release) was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
Evolution/0.16.99+cvs.2001. (Preview Release) was used to send 3 posts (0.11 %)
Excite Inbox was used to send 12 posts (0.46 %)
Exmh was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley) was used to send 32 posts (1.22 %)
Green 1.0b13 PPC download at http was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
Internet Mail Service was used to send 59 posts (2.25 %)
JMail 3.7.0 by Dimac (www.dimac.net) was used to send 14 posts (0.53 %)
KMail was used to send 3 posts (0.11 %)
Lotus Notes was used to send 24 posts (0.92 %)
MIME-tools 5.41 (Entity 5.404) was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
Microsoft Entourage was used to send 595 posts (22.73 %)
Microsoft Outlook was used to send 101 posts (3.86 %)
Microsoft Outlook Express for MacOS was used to send 139 posts (5.31 %)
Microsoft Outlook Express for Windows was used to send 233 posts (8.90 %)
Musashi 3.2.5-en was used to send 2 posts (0.08 %)
Mutt was used to send 2 posts (0.08 %)
Netscape Mail 4.x was used to send 115 posts (4.39 %)
Netscape/Mozilla Mail 6.x was used to send 11 posts (0.42 %)
Novell GroupWise 5.5.2 was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
PHPost 1.06 (http was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
SimpleMail for NewtonOS was used to send 11 posts (0.42 %)
SquirrelMail (version 1.1.0 [cvs]) was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
SweetMail for MacOS was used to send 25 posts (0.95 %)
Unknown (No Version) was used to send 21 posts (0.80 %)
WorldClient Standard 1.1 was used to send 18 posts (0.69 %)
mPOP Web-Mail 2.19 was used to send 1 posts (0.04 %)
Unknown mailer : 677 posts

Victor Rehorst - victor_at_newtontalk.net - chuma_at_chuma.org
NewtonTalk list administrator - http://www.newtontalk.net
Will help you with your list problems - as long as you're nice.

-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Sat Dec 01 2001 - 20:01:56 EST