I've fixed my Dongle port and it promptly came apart.
I sent the Newton to Apple for repair, and they fixed
the dongle port...and it promptly broke. The trouble
with the dongle port is that on the inside, there is
absolutly NO structural support bonding the dongle
port to the PC board. It is held in place by two
plastic bumps that fit into holes, and solder. Nothing
else. If the port has been damaged, the plastic bumps
"round off" meaning that even if you can get the
micro-soldering to work, there wouldn't be enough to
hold the port in place for any type of prolonged use.
I just finally said forget about it and purchased the
Dongle Killer. Now I don't have to worry about the
port ever again!!
All I got to do now is sell my old Dongle on ebay for
$55! Any takers?
I suspect that if the Apple Image Writer II can print
in (crap, what's that graphics engine that Apple uses?
I can't remember what it's called...script something,
or something script...sheesh! they say the mind's the
first thing to go!)
Anyway, I can't remember...but if it accepts that
drawing language, Apple-draw, or
draw-script...whatever, then it's most likely that the
Newton can print to it!
Can someone else on this list make a more definate
web/gadget guru
--- Laurent Daudelin <nemesys_at_cox.rr.com> wrote:
> on 05/11/01 17:30, Zander Goss at
> zandergoss_at_marmothall.net wrote:
> > My keyboard refused to work several weeks ago and
> I thought the reason
> > was a broken dongle. The regular-serial side
> looked really beat up. I
> > found a brand new one for $30 with shipping (thank
> you for the offer
> > ajw4), but then while contemplating whether or not
> to buy it, I found
> > that the dongle port was loose in it's seat.
> Simply, when I inserted
> > the adaptor, the port just got even more recessed
> in my little green
> > friend. BTW, I am using an UMP2000. Anyways, I
> have looked over Dr.
> > Newton's site and e-mailed him about trying to get
> it fixed, but I
> > haven't gotten a response. Has anyone else had
> this problem? Can Dr.
> > Newton fix it? Should I get a SER-001 upgrade
> while I am at it? And
> > finally, will an Apple ImageWriter II printer work
> with Newton?
> Yes, I've read many times that the interconnect port
> was fragile and tended
> to break easily. You're definitely not the first one
> to have this problem,
> unfortunately. Your best bet is to wait for David
> Watson to reply. You also
> have the Apple's fix, while a bit expensive at a
> flat $180 fee...
> You could get the SER-001 installed if you have it,
> although it's really
> easy to install.
> I don't know finally if the ImageWriter would work
> with a Newton. I don't
> recall having read or heard anybody using it.
> -Laurent.
> --
> Laurent Daudelin
> <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys>
note: This does not constitute a sig file...
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