Re: [NTLK] Java 'n stuff

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Fri Nov 16 2001 - 03:55:16 EST

on 11/6/01 2:00 AM, Frank Gruendel at wrote:

>> Also, I have yet to see anything written in Java
>> that was actually useful,
> Ermmm... considering that I've been spending the last two years almost
> entirely writing java software for a living, all of which is currently
> being used in products that are sold, you might want to elaborate a bit
> on that...

Boy, you're quoting from several messages in your post. :-)

I believe this was my message. What I mean is that I do not have nor use one
Java application on my desktop (laptop actually) computer. I have run into
one or two web pages that used it, and both uses were rather frivolous. So,
as I said, I have yet to see anything useful done in Java. I suppose the
sort of things done in Java are used in corporations and such, and don't fit
into the mainstream?

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." --John

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