at the temporal coordinates: 11/6/01 3:18 PM, the entity known as Zachery
Bir at conveyed the following:
> Okay, please, please, purty please, can we let this die?
> I started the damn thing, and I really didn't think before I did
> so. I should have remembered the chest puffing self-righteous
> indignation ( "It's _wrong_, though, of course, I don't care - I do
> it, too!" - what a load! ) from the thread about abandonware.
> Now, fer the love of Newt, let it drop.
> Zac
Aw, c'mon... How are people going to artificially inflate their November
stats otherwise??? :-)
Besides, wouldn't it have been more effective to refer to the "chest puffing
self-righteous" people as the 'Copyright Nazis'? The simple invocation of
der Fuhrer in the subject may not be sufficient to qualify for this amusing
little convention. ;-)
(Hey, let's start our own convention! When we get tired of a topic, we
could mock the subject to death. We could get a good laugh AND inflate our
stats at the same time.)
- Eric.
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