Re: [NTLK] Windows 2000 NCU problem, please help.

From: Steven M. Scotten (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 15:33:20 EST

When I had this problem, it was suggested to me that I run slowdown.exe
to slow my computer down and avoid some timing issue in NCU. Sometimes
I have to run more than one instance of it, but it's made NCU usable on
my machine.

Also find the hack to get your connection speed up to 57600bps...
there's a pkg for your Newt and a hacked version of NCU, and you'll
need both.

Good luck!


On Wed, 7 Nov 2001 20:52:11 +0100, compaqmaster wrote:

>Windows 2000 NCU problem, please help.
>When I try to use the backup function in Windows I get the following error message, "The connection was stopped because of a communication error. (-1)". I have dual boot, and every thing works just fine in windows 98, is there any body here that has any idea as to what I can do, or where I can turn for help. Thanks in advance for any help being offered.
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