Re: [NTLK] Mac OS 9.1 & Newton Press

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Sun Nov 18 2001 - 12:27:25 EST

I'm not sure if this is the solution, but knocking on wood... I compared
the old extensions under 9.04 to the new ones under OS 9.1 (i made a
complete hard drive backup before upgrading, for just such an occasion) and
found that originally there were three extensions that were attributed to
Newton Press 1.1... and only two after the upgrade. The one in question was
the Apple Modem Extension. So I replaced the new 9.1 one with the old NP1.1
one, and still knocking on wood, I was able to do a whole newton book
without any crashes. I haven't tried with graphics yet, and I saved very
often, but that might be the 'fix'.


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