Re: [NTLK] Hoarding Newtons...

From: Loren Finkelstein (Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 07:15:51 EST

On 11/19/01 5:34 AM, "Marco Mailand" <> wrote:

> It is nice that some of you take care to that much spare units of our
> precious hardware. However, the better way would be to give them to people
> in need and 'newtonigize' them. Its much better to spread the word and ideas
> of NOS, really good HWR as well as solid hardware then having the deep green
> friends laying around and gathering dust.

I am curious why you say this? Sure, I love mine, and you love yours. But
what's the point in bringing new people into the fold? Apple will not make
any more Newton's no matter how many people want them. It seems to me
trying to get new people interested would mostly be about trying to justify
that we didn't make a bad decision by buying something that essentially
became a dead platform. It's kind of like a Betamax owner still trying to
convince others that Beta is better than VHS. Sure, it's true, but what
good will it do?

IMHO, it would be better if every die-hard newton user had access to spare
parts, or a spare newton for when theirs eventually dies, rather than a lot
of new people getting Newton's when they could get Palms or PocketPC's and
never know what they missed out on.

Selfish? Maybe. But I think it makes more sense.


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