Re: [NTLK] Flash Memory card > 32 Meg?

From: John M. Powell (
Date: Mon Oct 08 2001 - 09:03:18 EDT

I believe that limitation was for Linear flash. I don't think we've
discovered what (if any) size limitations exist with Paul's ATA
driver. I personally have an 80meg CF card and I know someone
else with a 256.

There are sources much more current than PN as well.


> Hello,
> I am thinking of purchasing a Flash memory card of 160MB.
> However, in the Planet Newton FAQ, it states that the largest
> Flash memory card is 32MB.
> Is the FAQ wrong or do they mean the largest that the Newton can use is
> 32MG?
> Is anyone out there using a Flash memory card larger than 32MG?
> Thank you,
> David

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