They show 400ma drain with that card (active). I seem to remember
the limit being 1000 between the two PCMCIA slots and the interconnect
port. This correct?
> > But isn't that because those platforms are what they already have
> > drivers for? I understand that were this to work, it'd have to
> > be developed literally from the ground up. The question isn't
> > initially from a software perspective, but rather can the hardware
> > even communicate? IF it can, then at least the dream of it happening
> > isn't totally lost. I know, realistically, it probably won't ever
> > happen. But then again, realistically, it was never thought that
> > we'd lose the dongle or have ATA access.
> The question is, wheter the PCMCIA DAQ cards are compatible with
> the Newton
> bus. There will be some which habe higher power consumption which
> as it will
> drain the Newton accu to much. But if they follow the PCMCIA standard it
> shouldn't be a problem. What I could do, is to contact NI and go
> there with
> a Newton and at least check what error msg comes on insertion.
> I would also love to have something like LabVIEW for the Newton. Not for
> remote control of scopes or DAQ but for normal graphical programming.
> However, it would probably require to much computing power, but
> would allow
> much more efficient programming than any textual language.
> --
> With best regards / Viele Gruesse
> Marco Mailand
> --
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