I'm not saying I haven't had my share of disasters!
Back in the IBM-XT days, I had a 32mb RLL drive fail
on me...serious failure, the windings in the head's
servos had burned out. My fix was to open up my 20mb
MFM drive, swap out the platters and spindles, get the
data onto another drive and then scrap the two drives
I used as parts! total cost was over $300 dollars, but
everything was intact!
And just last month, I had a 45gb drive fail on me
(the first time a WD drive has ever failed on me...)
Western Digital was good about sending me another one,
but my FAT was destroyed on two partitions (this drive
has 4 partitions) Using a copy of OnTrack Easy
Recovery V5.0 got everything salvageable off of the
old 45gb drive and onto the new drive...The only thing
I lost was my Window's directory...all my logins,
favorites, installed program groups...just not there.
Installed Win2K Professional and created the groups
manually! so far, the only program I had to reinstall
was my CD burning software and my scanner drivers...I
have to re-install office too, but I'm replacing
Office 2000 with XP...just got a copy of it and can't
wait to try it! Backups? Hmm, yes, after this little
disaster (took over 2 months to get everything back to
a point where I can use the machine again) I am going
to be backing up my machine...But, my method is going
to be a custom implementation. I'm going to be setting
up a 30gb RAID in my server, then I will GHOST my
entire 45GB onto the RAID (with compression, it will
easily fit) This method will allow for easy return of
data given a failure! The only drawback is that I
won't be able to retrieve a single file...It will have
to be the whole partition!
web/gadget guru
--- SlashDevNull <SlashDevNull_at_mac.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I almost lost data in a big way. My Compaq laptop
> HD died. I mean REALLY
> died. Laptop wouldn't even see it. ( I know. I
> hate windows also, but I
> code in Delphi so.....) I after a day of working
> with it I got it to boot
> ONCE. Copied everything off it 3 times and test the
> copies so I knew I had
> good data. Then it died for good 2 hours later.
> This is my backup strategy now.
> 1) Get a Snap server from Quantum. My 95 &
> 2000 machines connect to it
> over IP. My OS 9 machine can connect with IP or
> Appletalk. My OS X machine
> connects to it as NFS. It is worth EVERY PENNY.
> 2) Get offsite storage. I use www.connected.com.
> 4 gigs of storage for
> $15 a month. Having a backup server and/or discs &
> tapes are nice, but what
> if there is a robbery or fire? There are Internet
> backup for macs also. Go
> to www.retrospect.com site for macs. The data is
> compressed and encrypted
> before it is sent. Worth every penny.
> I came THIS close to losing a month of work.
> Believe me, the ANY amount of money you spend for
> backups is ALWAYS well
> worth it when you need it.
> David
> >
> > on 13-10-2001 7:31, Jon Glass at jonglass_at_usa.net
> wrote:
> >
> >> I did lose my data, and it hurt. I lost about 6
> months of work, which,
> >> unfortunately, were six _very_ productive months.
> :-( Not only did my hard
> >> drive crash, but my back up drive was dropped by
> my little daughter. I was
> >> fortunate enough to have that "persistent" data
> on a third hard drive on
> >> another computer and on my Newton. In fact, if it
> were not for my Newton, I
> >> would have lost all my address and contact info.
> I still find things, three
> >> years later, that I lost that fateful day. It's
> not fun. I try to backup
> >> onto different computers, now, all important
> data. Redundancy, that's my
> >> motto. :-)
> >
> > Hm, maybe I'm going to be even more careful in the
> future, in a way your
> > story reminded me of Paul Guyot's hard drive that
> crashed in a major way...
> >
> >
> > Robert Benschop
note: This does not constitute a sig file...
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