Re: [NTLK] Recommended newsreader?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 15:50:09 EDT

On 11/04/02 15:13, "Steven Frank" <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Can anyone recommend a decent newsreader package? I haven't had much
> luck so far.
> I've never been able to download more than about 1 or 2 articles with
> PaperBoy. It doesn't seem to think there's any more in the group, but
> there are.
> Ink Spot downloaded a bunch of articles, then got an "unexpected
> disconnect". Now it simply hangs at "Downloading 1 of 50" every time I
> attempt to connect. And since the demo offers a limited number of
> connections, it's not going to last very long at this rate.

Your best bet is really InkSpot, believe me. However, as you may be
experiencing, InkSpot will sometimes "chokes" on some weird messages. When
that happens, I go open the system soup, search for an entry containing "ink
spot", then out of the few entries that come out, I locate the one that
InkSpot uses for its prefs. Then, if you look carefully, you'll find a slot
called "LastRead", which is an array. You have to remember what's the order
of the newsgroups you're subscribed to, starting with an indice of 0. So, if
the second newsgroup seems to be choking InkSpot, you want to open item
number 1 in the array "LastRead". You should have a number. Just increase
the number by one, so that the next time InkSpot tries to download the
messages from this newsgroup, it will start at the next message that is
giving trouble.



Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
featurectomy /fee`ch*r-ek't*-mee/ n.: The act of removing a feature from a
program. Featurectomies come in two flavors, the `righteous' and the
`reluctant'. Righteous featurectomies are performed because the remover
believes the program would be more elegant without the feature, or there is
already an equivalent and better way to achieve the same end. (Doing so is
not quite the same thing as removing a misfeature.) Reluctant featurectomies
are performed to satisfy some external constraint such as code size or
execution speed. 

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