Re: [NTLK] -48205 error

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 21:24:52 EDT

on 15/04/02 17:53, Scott P. Richert at wrote:

> Actually, I'm not concerned about saving the InOut soup--I just got the
> MP last week, and so I have nothing of value in InOut. However, if I
> delete InOut Items and try again, I get the same error.

Can you check to see if there is a storage icon that could be associated to
SimpleMail? If so, try to delete it. If not, then maybe the problem is with
the system soup. Without a soup editor, it's like shooting in the dark...


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

drone n.: Ignorant sales or customer service personnel in computer or electronics superstores. Characterized by a lack of even superficial knowledge about the products they sell, yet possessed of the conviction that they are more competent than their hacker customers. Usage: "That video board probably sucks, it was recommended by a drone at Fry's" In the year 2000, their natural habitats include Fry's Electronics, Best Buy, and CompUSA.

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