Re: [NTLK] -48205 error

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 02:17:58 EDT

on 4/15/02 11:53 PM, Scott P. Richert at wrote:

> Actually, I'm not concerned about saving the InOut soup--I just got the
> MP last week, and so I have nothing of value in InOut. However, if I
> delete InOut Items and try again, I get the same error.

Definitely worth trying SimpleMail.

Here is an idea, however. I don't know if you have the necessary parts
installed or not or if you have a computer capable of IrDA, but if you do,
you can try the Newton DIL tester. On the Mac, at least, you can do IrDA
connections. After messing with my 32 meg card and my old 130 for a couple
of days, I discovered DILT, and it worked! I no longer need to mess around
with my card and old Newt, but can simply stick my Newton behind my PB and

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a
reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the
very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for
independence." -- C. A. Beard

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