Re: [NTLK] [OT] Looking for cheap ISP

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 11:29:01 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 2/11/02 11:14 AM, the entity known as Laurent
Daudelin at conveyed the following:

> Thanks, Mark. I am. Cox/RoadRunner is teamed up with for
> web-based email, when you're on the go. The stupid thing is that they
> provide you with internet access, but they fail completely to address that
> issue if I'm not at home. How good does accessing email from a browser is to
> me if I can't connect to the internet?

Hee hee! Funny! By odd coincidence, I just got off the phone talking to
Comcast. Their installer for Macs doesn't have any Read Me or any option
whereby one could actually see just what files are being installed where.
Since ISPs are notorious for their amateurish installers (old files
overwriting new ones, etc.) AND since I don't need anybody's 'Internet for
Idiots' modified browser, I called to see just what they could tell me.

Long story short, the guy on the phone told me that I shouldn't bother with
their installer, but should just alter my e-mail settings in a very obvious
fashion (POP3 server is, not surprisingly, now: Can you
guess what the SMTP server might be?? :-) ). We also joked about a web-mail
without any known (at this point) provision for dial-up. It sounded,
though, as if one could access the POP3 server from anywhere. Presumably
you may not have the same freedom with accessing the SMTP server, and
regardless, one still has to have some sort of ISP to dial into.

(BTW, if anyone knows a way of seeing just what files are contained in an
Installer Vise installer, then my mystery of what's in Comcast's installer
would be solved.)

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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