Well, just what I was trying avoid happened...the resale price of Newtons
dropped dramatically. I was considering selling my Newton several months ago
and decided to keep my Newton workign along with a Palm...but I have gotten
more and more used to the Palm, etc. (I know, how could I...I hate the palm
for entry reasons, but if you could see my desk, you would understand...2
laptops, a Newton and a Palm Vx.)
Anyway, I have three questions:
1) Will the resale value go up after the flood of newtons clears, hopefully
before a new PDA is released? IOWs, will waiting help or hurt.
2) Will I do better parting it out? Like selling the keyboard, which I NEVER
use. Or should I just cut my lose and sell the whole batch of stuff?
3) I need a reason to keep the Newton. I have tried to justify keeping the
Newton, but the more and more I think about it, I feel like I should just
cut my strings and quit trying to fight it. As I mentioned earlier with all
that I have on my desk, I also have a Nokia phone that works with my Palm
and lets me browse the internet and send/receive email when I am traveling.
So I am even less likely to use the Newton on the road now. I have a Sony
505f subcompact computer that also links to the Nokia IR phone (a 8290).
THen I have my full sized SOny FX370 Laptop (PIII-1.0 ghz). A couple of
weeks ago, I decided the Palm would do what I needed it to, and decided to
get the Palm VX, giving the Palm V to my wife, I thought the Newton would be
a good thing to keep on the desk for notes, or take with me to conferences
when I need to take notes and I don't want to take the laptop. With the way
prices are falling, it almost makes it useless to sell. But I hate to keep
it around, loosing even more value, unless I cna figure out a real use.
So the last question in this is, what are some uses for my now replaced
Newton that maybe I haven't considered before.
Thanks for any feedback!
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