Re: [NTLK] pcmcia slot

From: Rui Curveira (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 09:59:44 EST

you can use a modem card in the MP100?
I have a Megahertz 28.8/14.4 Data/fax card model XJ4288 ... will that work? I
tried putting it in the slot and as well as being very tight, the MP100 said
something about the memory card being improperly formatted (sorry I don't
remember the error), I tried it again just now and it said "No Card Inserted", I
am guessing I need drivers for the card if it works at all?

Laurent Daudelin wrote:

> On 13/02/02 08:13, "" <> wrote:
> > What other cards can besides the Flash Memory cards can you use in the
> > PCMCIA slot of the MP 100.
> >
> > Is it possible (is their a pkg out there) to use a PC Card Modem with XJACK
> > connector in the MP 100
> Yes, that's pretty much all the cards you can use with a 100: flash RAM card
> or a modem card.
> -Laurent.
> --
> =====================================================================
> Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
> Washington, DC, USA
> ********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
> brain dump n.: [common] The act of telling someone everything one knows
> about a particular topic or project. Typically used when someone is going to
> let a new party maintain a piece of code. Conceptually analogous to an
> operating system core dump in that it saves a lot of useful state before an
> exit. "You'll have to give me a brain dump on FOOBAR before you start your
> new job at HackerCorp." See core dump (sense 4). At Sun, this is also known
> as `TOI' (transfer of information).
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